Am 10.06. kommt MATT BEDNARSKY aus Nashville/Tennesse zu Besuch und spielt ein Konzert für uns. Davor und danach darf gejammt werden, bringt eure Instrumente mit. Der Eintritt ist frei, der Hut geht rum.
„Singer/Songwriter Matt Bednarsky’s music blends pop/rock, folk, jazz, and blues and is characterized by poignant, thoughtful lyrics and soothing yet powerful vocals. The CT-born, NYC-carved, and Nashville-based musician has an expansive internet presence, with over 2.7 million cumulative views on YouTube, and has three full-length studio albums, “A Bigger Picture” (2014), “Two” (2015), and “Luminescence” (2017). He’s opened for British legend Joan Armatrading on multiple occasions, was named a 2015 Artist of the Year by Concerts In Your Home, and has played for audiences in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Australia.“
Instagram: @MattBednarsky
Twitter: @MattBednarsky