Sonntag, 08. November um 19:00 FB
MEDUSA, Medusastr. 16, 24143 Kiel
squawk squawk concerts by AStA Uni Kiel presents:
THE SENSITIVES, edgy punk rock from Sweden.
Restless and bored the trio decided to write a bunch of songs, get a van and spend their time on the roads in Europe. Houndreds of shows in over two handfuls of countries later the sweds are now in town for some edgy punk rock!
Now the new album Dogs On The Run is finally here, right when the world needs it the most with hymns against sexism, against racism and tributes to this life and all the great things going on in that we sometimes tend to forget about!
Feets will be moving, hips will be shaking and throats will be singing!
Support: The Upbringing (SWE)
Einlass: 19 Uhr, Eintritt frei!